Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across The 8th Dimension

I loved this movie. Had the biggest crush on Lewis Smith.  I don't remember CED players.  Of course we were too poor for cable and video players. I like the idea of a movie the size of an album.   Just like albums the essence of the film is felt by the images printed...or maybe it's just seeing Peter Weller with hair.  This is truly all things 80's including skinny ties and red shoes. Anyway I'm still waiting for the sequel.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Vintage Fashion Ads and Pattern Magazines

1960s Wrap Skirt

1963 Teen Dress and Jacket Pattern

1960's Wrap Dress...Big hair optional

When I use to sew I loved using vintage patterns.  These are a few I have collected. The magazine clippings and ads are from an estate sale in Marietta, GA.  Fashion can provide a history lesson.  Not only are these patterns reminders of Jackie Kennedy but are memories of my mom when I was a child. She even had a few partial wigs which I loved to play with and wore to a few costume parties.